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Grow Your Vision

Join our Chamber of Consciousness, where we weave community and build authentic connections in San Luis Obispo County and the surrounding areas. We promote & advocate for holistic, mindful & spiritual health and wellness businesses and business professional. Be a part of our journey towards a more conscious and engaged community!


Premium Professional Member Benefits

-An entire page on our website all about you!

Having an entire page on the website dedicated to your offerings with direct links is a game-changer for SEO and online visibility. It consolidates all your resources in one place, making it easier for search engines to understand and rank your content. Plus, it improves user experience by giving visitors a clear, streamlined way to explore what you provide. This setup increases your chances of being discovered online, drives traffic, and encourages deeper engagement with your audience. It’s a win-win for both your website visitors and your online growth.
-Directory listings
-Digital marketing exposure
-Direct links to your websites & social medias
-Networking & collaborating opportunities
-Exclusive opportunities to be a host, sponsor, or vendor
- CONSCIOUS-FEST discounts
-You can invite us to be a collaborator on your Instagram posts twice a month. 
-You can be the host of one of our upcoming mixers! 
-You can bring your flyers or business cards to mixers to place on our shared members table!
-You can offer CCCC members only discounts
-Joining a community of people with the common goal of raising the collective higher consciousness

Professional Member Benefits

-Directory listings
-Digital marketing exposure
-Direct links to your websites & social medias
-Networking & collaborating opportunities
-Exclusive opportunities to be a host, sponsor, or vendor
- CONSCIOUS-FEST discounts
-You can invite us to be a collaborator on your Instagram posts twice a month. 
-You can be the host of one of our upcoming mixers! 
-You can bring your flyers or business cards to mixers to place on our shared members table!
-You can offer CCCC members only discounts
-Joining a community of people with the common goal of raising the collective higher consciousness

Advocate Member Benefits

-Your name and photo listed on the website advocacy page

- Members only discounts on Professional Members Services

-Support the Movement & the Professional Members

-Ambassador & Influencer opportunities

-Volunteer opportunities 

-Events VIP access

-Joining a community of people with the common goal of raising the collective higher consciousness

The only difference between the yearly and monthly subscriptions is that you save money by paying annually.

The only difference between the Premium Professional Membership and the Professional Membership is that the Premium option gets a dedicated page on our website just for them!


Become a Member

  • Premium Professional Member

    Every year
    Unlock your potential with our Premium Professional Membership! Benefit from a dedicated webpage for SEO, directory listings, and digital marketing exposure, plus exclusive event discounts and MORE
  • Monthly Premium Professional Membership

    Every month
    +$50 Webpage creation
    Experience a chamber of consciousness with our Monthly Premium Professional Membership. Pay monthly if this is a better fit for you and enjoy all the exclusive benefits!
  • Professional Member

    Every year
    Join CCCC for exclusive benefits: directory listings, digital marketing, networking, and discounts for CONSCIOUS-FEST. Collaborate with us today!
  • Community Advocate

    Every year
    Central Coast Conscious Community Advocate Annual Membership
  • Monthly Professional Membership

    Every month
    Central Coast Conscious Community Annual Membership
  • Monthly Community Advocate

    Every month
    Central Coast Conscious Community Advocate Annual Membership
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